Today is January 21, 2025 ()

New B’nai Sholom Course Examines Origins of “Jewish Values”

Judaism may be based on the Bible, but from where do “Jewish values” originate?

That will be the focus of a new course at B’nai Sholom Reform Congregation.

“Fifth Century Favorites: Essential Passages from Talmud and Midrash” will be offered Mondays beginning October 7 at 7:30 p.m. at B’nai Sholom Reform Congregation, 420 Whitehall Road, Albany.

It was the Talmud and Midrashim that turned ancient Israelite religion into Judaism as it is known today. These works, compiled in the first few centuries of the Common Era in Eretz Yisrael and in Babylonia, are the basis of rabbinic Judaism. Some sections or passages of this rabbinic literature are essential to the understanding of what are commonly considered to be “Jewish values.”

The 10-session course, taught by Rabbi Don Cashman, B’nai Sholom’s spiritual leader, will look at the essential passages in English – and the Hebrew or Aramaic at times as well – to appreciate the sources of those values. The first session will introduce participants to Talmud, Midrash and the world of the early rabbis. Remaining classes will delve into the texts.

Registration for this course is required. Cost is $54; for B’nai Sholom members, it’s just $36.

For more information or to register for this course, contact the B’nai Sholom office at 518-482-5283 or e-mail

B’nai Sholom Reform Congregation in Albany is a home for contemporary Reform Judaism in the Capital Region, creating a vibrant Jewish present that links ancient traditions with the promise of the future. More than 160 diverse households from six counties seek religious, educational and social fulfillment at B’nai Sholom.

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Tuesday through Friday 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Closed Mondays

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