Today is February 19, 2025 ()


We are very glad to welcome you to B’nai Sholom

We are a place that Reform Jews and their families – from all backgrounds – can truly call “home.”

A warm, welcoming community in an active Reform synagogue, we provide opportunities for spiritual growth, continuous learning, social action and fun. Our programs deepen and broaden the engagement of both current and prospective members in Jewish life and service.

B’nai Sholom welcomes newcomers to our congregation, including people in interfaith marriages and of all races, abilities, sexual orientations and gender identities.

Currently, we are dealing with a dynamic and challenging situation as the coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread worldwide. B’nai Sholom has moved to a multi-access platform, offering services  both in-person and virtually while learning remains online.

We invite you to join in our worship and study. Friday evening services start at 7:00 p.m. Tot Shabbat services are at 5:30 p.m. the second Friday of each month.

Call us at 518-482-5283 or email and we will be happy to send you information in a confirming email.

We look forward to welcoming you – online and in-person!

-Rabbi Danielle Weisbrot and the officers, trustees and members of B’nai Sholom

Contact Us

420 Whitehall Road, Albany, NY 12208
518-482-5283|Email Us

Office Hours

Tuesday through Friday 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Closed Mondays

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