Today is February 17, 2025 ()
B’nai Sholom established its cemetery in September 2000 when the Congregation entered into an agreement with historic Elmwood Hill Cemetery in Troy, New York. The deed is written in such a way that the Congregation sells the rights to be buried in its plots but does own the actual plots. Burial privileges are available for members in good standing, non-member relatives of B’nai Sholom members for whom a B’nai Sholom member has a Jewish obligation to mourn (i.e., mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, and spouse/domestic partner), and other non- members.
Elmwood Hill Cemetery is located at 51 Belle Ave. in Troy. Directions to the cemetery are below.
All documents associated with the purchase of Cemetery Plots are available below and include:
Both B’nai Sholom and Elmwood Hill maintain the right to change or modify rules, regulations and costs approved by the Board of Directors of both the Elmwood Hill Cemetery Association and B’nai Sholom Reform Congregation. Additional fees and costs associated with a funeral are arranged directly between the family of the deceased and family’s choice of funeral director.
Members of the Cemetery Committee include Bob Adler, Arthur Alowitz, Mark Fleischer, Ben Marvin and Richard Nussbaum. Answers to questions and other information are available by calling the Temple Office at 518-482-5283 or by email at
Directions from Albany to Elmwood Hill Cemetery:
420 Whitehall Road, Albany, NY 12208
518-482-5283|Email Us
Tuesday through Friday 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Closed Mondays