Today is February 19, 2025 ()

Religious School

B’Yachad, the Hebrew word that means “together,” is the collaborative religious school of B’nai Sholom and Congregation Ohav Shalom. By combining forces, our congregations ensure that our students receive a high-quality Jewish education and exposure to the diversity of our broader Jewish community.

The mission of B’Yachad is to provide Jewish children with opportunities to experience Judaism with their whole bodies, not only their minds. B’Yachad’s activities bring meaning to students’ learning and engage their creative sides, including music, dance, art, cooking, community service and special holiday celebrations.

Religious education for children in Kindergarten through 8th Grade covers all aspects of our Jewish religion, including Torah and Tanakh, worship and prayer, holidays, traditions, culture, Hebrew, the history of Zionism, modern day Israel, and ethics and values, including an understanding of Judaism’s response to social needs.

B’Yachad offers family and parent education programs throughout the school year as well.

Students in Grades K, 1 and 8 attend B’Yachad one day a week, while those in Grades 2-7 attend two days a week. Beyond 8th grade, B’Yachad encourages young adults who have become bar or bat mitzvah to continue their education by studying at Mifgash, Albany’s Jewish community high school program, and/or by becoming madrichim (“guides”) who work in the classrooms or assist in the office. Other religious training, such as preparation for bar or bat mitzvah, remains at B’nai Sholom.

B’Yachad is overseen by a board of representatives from each congregation that sets policy, reviews the budget and assesses the education programs. The rabbis of all three congregations are involved in teaching, leading prayer or special programs, and advising on curriculum and other matters as needed.

See The B’yachad Website for:

  • Information
  • Calendar
  • Forms

Contact Us

420 Whitehall Road, Albany, NY 12208
518-482-5283|Email Us

Office Hours

Tuesday through Friday 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Closed Mondays

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