Event to Kick Off “Countdown to Rosh Hashanah” Leading Up to High Holy Days
Come one, come all to “A Day at B’nai,” a free festival and open house at Albany’s B’nai Sholom Reform Congregation.
“A Day at B’nai” will be held Sunday, Aug. 12, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at the synagogue, 420 Whitehall Road, Albany. The festival is open to all.
A bounce house, games and crafts, face painting, social action project, music and dancing and refreshments guarantee a fun time for all ages.
At the open house, festival-goers can tour the synagogue and learn about B’nai Sholom’s warm and welcoming ritual life from Rabbi Donald P. Cashman. B’nai Sholom President Barbara Devore and representatives of the congregation’s membership committee will be on hand to offer information about becoming part of the congregation.
Of particular interest to young couples and families is B’nai Sholom’s new dues plan offering free membership to all ages 35 or younger and graduated dues for ages 36-40. Membership for new congregants of any age is free for the first year.
“Our family was drawn to B’nai Sholom more than 25 years ago by its family-friendliness. If you are looking for a synagogue with an intimate feeling and a diverse membership, we invite you to our ‘Day at B’nai’ and see for yourself what makes B’nai Sholom special. While we are contemporary, our congregation has many spiritual, social and educational opportunities for the entire lifecycle,” said Devore.
The festival will launch B’nai Sholom’s “Countdown to Rosh Hashanah,” a series of Shabbat services and a potluck dinner designed to enrich the experience of the High Holy Days. The schedule:
Rosh Hashanah begins at sunset Sunday, Sept. 9.
Founded in 1971, B’nai Sholom Reform Congregation is a home for contemporary Reform Judaism in the Capital Region, creating a vibrant Jewish present that links ancient traditions with the promise of the future. Nearly 130 diverse households from eight counties seek religious, educational and social fulfillment at B’nai Sholom.
For more information about B’nai Sholom and the Aug. 12 “A Day at B’nai,” visit www.bnaisholomalbany.org or contact the B’nai Sholom office: 518-482-5283 or office@bnaisholom.albany.ny.us.
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