Have you ever had a moment, person or event in your life where you thought, “I should write a book about that”?
A workshop next month at B’nai Sholom Reform Congregation in Albany will help you do just that.
B’nai Sholom will host a “Memoir Writing Workshop” with award-winning PJ Library and children’s author Linda Elovitz Marshall on Thursday, Oct. 11, 1-3 p.m. at the synagogue, 420 Whitehall Road, Albany.
Through writing games and brainstorming, Marshall will encourage participants to weave a story around an event large or small in their lives. Who knows? A story suitable for a children’s book format could germinate from these exercises. An example of one that did is Marshall’s own Grandma Rose’s Magic (Karben, 2012), the story of her grandmother who sewed and saved to buy beautiful dishes…and made magic in the process.
A member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Marshall served as her chapter’s 2017 Picture Book Mentor. She has written more than a dozen books, including PJ Library selections Shh…Shh… Shabbat, The Passover Lamb and The Mitzvah Magician. As a tribute to her father, Marshall wrote the picture book Good Stuff Cheap: The Story of Jerry Ellis and Building #19, Inc. Marshall’s favorite pastimes include hiking, swimming and reading and she loves just about any flavor of ice cream.
Marshall has taught all ages and has helped people in writing their life stories/memoirs. Participants are encouraged to bring objects to class that might inspire stories: special dishes, baseball gloves, anything with a “story” attached.
For more about Marshall, visit www.lindamarshall.com.
Cost for the one-day workshop is $40 ($32 for B’nai Sholom members). Pre-registration is required.
For more information, visit www.bnaisholomalbany.org. To register, contact the B’nai Sholom office: 518-482-5283 or office@bnaisholom.albany.ny.us.
Founded in 1971, B’nai Sholom Reform Congregation is a home for contemporary Reform Judaism in the Capital Region, creating a vibrant Jewish present that links ancient traditions with the promise of the future. Nearly 130 diverse households from eight counties seek religious, educational and social fulfillment at B’nai Sholom.