Today is January 22, 2025 ()

New B’nai Sholom Course Examines Modern Ways of Interpreting the Ancient Text of the Torah

A new course taught by Rabbi Danielle Weisbrot at B’nai Sholom Reform Congregation in Albany will look at creating modern midrash, the rabbinic interpretation of a passage or text from the Torah.

“Creating Modern Midrash” will be offered four Wednesdays beginning Jan. 5, 7:30-8:30 p.m. via Zoom.

Midrash is a form of rabbinic “creative writing” that has been a classical method of giving Torah new types of meaning.  It ranges from word play to mining details of Jewish law to imaginative tales that fill in the “gaps” in the Torah text.  Over time, this practice has become not just more popular but more diverse in its content and format, such as poetry, art and movies.  Participants will learn about the types of classical and modern midrash that already exist and perhaps try their hand at creating their own.

“Creating Modern Midrash” is open to the public.  Registration is required.  Cost: $20; for B’nai Sholom members, it is just $15.  Registrants will receive a confirmation email with links to access the course.

For more information or to register, contact the B’nai Sholom office: 518-482-5283 or

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