Today is January 13, 2025 ()

Zoom with Best Selling Author of Historical Fiction Shelly Sanders

February 6, 2025    
7:30 pm

Join us as we Zoom with author Shelly Sanders to discuss her book Daughter of the Occupation.  Inspired by true events in World War II Latvia, this is an emotionally charged novel of sacrifice, trauma, resilience, and survival, as witnessed by three generations of women. Where­as her pre­vi­ous works focused on Russ­ian Jew­ry, this book explores Jew­ish life in Latvia and the Amer­i­can dias­po­ra. Although it is a work of fic­tion, it’s deeply root­ed in Sanders’s own fam­i­ly his­to­ry, and in her efforts to retrace the lost sto­ries of rel­a­tives and his­tor­i­cal events. With its emo­tion­al whirl­wind of trau­ma and sur­vival, Daugh­ters of the Occu­pa­tion is def­i­nite­ly a sto­ry that will stay with read­ers long after they’ve closed the book.

Shelly Sanders is a Canadian journalist and writer of historical fiction this being her fourth book. Her upcoming novel, The Night Sparrow, is to be released later this year on Harper Paperbacks.  This special event is open to members of the B’nai Sholom community and friends. Multiple copies of this book can be found at the local library system and at the synagogue.

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